During and after this period, however generally negative, all the management concentrated and dedicated to exploring new markets and new customers, successfully invested in the qualification with other large international players who now involve our company as a partner in new upcoming projects. more challenging on a technological level.
With about forty years of experience, Primiceri is recognized worldwide as a company at the forefront in the sectors in which it operates, and has acquired a large customer portfolio in Italy and abroad. Clients include major engineering firms, Oil & Gas operators, and a wide range of manufacturers, service providers and contractors.
In addition to this specific specialization with very high technology and innovation, we supply – through other companies in the group – electrical equipment for turnkey systems in the context of large infrastructures (hospitals, stadiums, purifiers and all types of large and medium energy-intensive industries).
Currently the direct and indirect export share is around 80% of the volume of business and this differentiation of markets and products determines independence from external factors (such as the 2019 pandemic), managing not to affect the related revenues.
Originally, the main business concerned selling Klöckner-Moeller products and the production of control panels.
In a short amount of time, new market opportunities made the business increasing and changing.
shearing machine
Modello 231
Primiceri S.p.A. ha inteso conformarsi alle prescrizioni del D.Lgs. 231/01 adottando un apposito Modello di Organizzazione Gestione e Controllo (M.O.G.C.) ed un nuovo Codice Etico Aziendale, così da promuovere il rispetto da parte di apicali, dipendenti e controparti commerciali dei principi di legalità, trasparenza, lealtà e sostenibilità ambientale su cui ha improntato le proprie attività